Classic Deep Cleanser Facial

This facial is suited for all skin types and targets congestion, dull, stressed skin acne helps to restore radiance and make your skin glow!

Deep Cleanser Facial Benefits:

  1.  Removes dead skin cells
  2. Releases dirt, grime, and oil trapped in pores
  3. Evens out skin tone and promotes radiant, healthy skin

Time– 60 mins including skin assessment and consultation cost – $75

The Treatment Experience

  • After meeting with one of our therapists for a consultation and discussing your skin concerns, you will relax with a pre-cleanse and cleanse followed by a manual exfoliation combined with steam and a facial, neck and shoulder massage.
  • A pre-determined mask will be applied, followed by a moisturiser and SPR to lock in moisture and help you glow!
    How long after will I see the results?
  • Your skin will be clearer and more radiant straight away!
    How frequently can I have these facials?
  • As this is a gentle facial treatment, the client can have this treatment weekly.

Deep Cleanser Facial Treatment Hampton

Treatment time – 60 mins
Cost – $75

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